Friday, June 19, 2009

Reading Enjoyment

Reading is a wonderful passion and hobby. Reading allows everyone to travel to anywhere in the world in the comfort of home. One dark stormy night, the wind howled, the window panes rattled and suddenly all electricity went out. These words and many others entice readers to deleve into books and find out what exactly happened on that night. Everyone share your favorite authors and books!


  1. I have so many books that I enjoy! One of my all time favorites is "To Kill a Mockingbird". But I also love Christopher Curtis' books and I enjoy biographies too. I'm still reading "Dreams from my Father" by Barack Obama. He writes very well, and I love all of his references to Chicago.

  2. My favorite book, read many, many years ago by Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged. Need to read it again! I discovered a mystery author Elizabeth George, and have read like 10 of her books, they entice me and her writing is wonderful. Leilani likes Christopher Paul Curtis, and I have an autographed copy of 'Bud, Not Buddy'. He came to the school I used to work in, great guy!! We need to cultivate the love of reading in all chilren! I Love reading!

  3. I love reading to the kids. I had the opportunity to to read with 5th graders this last spring "Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie". Blogged a bit with the author. Was Fun!

  4. It's hard to pick just one, but for reading aloud to kids I love "Piggie Pie." For myself, I love mysteries and detective stories, especially by J.D. Robb.

  5. The class I am taking this week is called the Comprehensive Literacy Model for School Improvement. This class has been excellent! Research clearly indicates that students must have excellent reading instruction to succeed in life. Interventions must be started in the early grades and continued until students understand the process to learn how to read.

  6. Jennifer Berne, one of the speakers I heard this week at my class explained how to do an effective writers’ workshop. Jennifer gave excellent practical ideas for the writing workshop model. Writing enhances reading. Good writers are good readers. The research clearly indicates students must be taught writing by listening to authors that have written good books.
